home staging.
It takes 90 seconds to fall in love with a home.
Le coup de cœur se fait dans les 90 premières secondes.
Épurer l’espace ou déplacer les meubles amène une nouvelle énergie et permet aux acheteurs de se projeter facilement.
Je vous aide à identifier quels changements feront la différence et à préparer votre intérieur à la vente.
Decluttering a space or moving furniture around brings a new energy and enables buyers to project themselves easily.
I help you identify which changes will make a difference and set your home for sale.
tarif horaire
hourly rate
CHF 120.-
tarif journalier
daily rate
CHF 750.-
tarif projet
project rate
selon projet / based on project
« When Dominique came to our house, her look and good taste were sensational. She has a natural ability to reuse the furniture and decoration that we already had and place them in a different way, optimizing the space and re defining the house as a whole. »
— Julianna, previously in St-Légier now lives in the US